Abdo John Hajj

Managing Partner & Growth

Abdo has always been driven by his passion for challenging the status quo and embracing the seemingly impossible. Growing up in Los Angeles as the child of Lebanese immigrants, Abdo discovered his first love—music. He's a talented multi-instrumentalist, playing drums, guitar, and trumpet (though he admits he's a bit rusty these days), and he even produces music just for fun.

After high school, Abdo attended LA Mission community college, where he fell head over heels for Anthropology and History. His life took an unexpected turn when, at just 18, he co-produced the movie "Road to Juarez" with Scott Rosenfelt, the producer of Home Alone. Soon after, he was accepted into the University of Southern California, where he pursued Narrative Studies—a program blending cross-cultural studies, history, politics, and economics.

While at USC, Abdo took part in a Capstone thesis project that had him spending a month in San Francisco, working alongside Vice journalists and interviewing politicians and organized crime syndicate members to uncover the truth behind Senator Leland Yee's scandal.

In his final year of college, Abdo founded a media company called Homage Arts, which specialized in branded content for major brands, record labels, and artists. He eventually sold the company to an LA-based private equity group. Abdo then spent several years traveling to places like Central and South America, the Middle East, and Asia.

Abdo's investing career began in private equity consulting, working with firms such as Spell Capital Partners, Atar Capital, Tresalia Capital, and HIG Capital. He also began making angel investments in deep technology startups and assisting R&D spin-offs, including working with Hanyang University in South Korea on the development of Graphene fibers. In 2019, Abdo co-founded a rapidly growing tech-enabled stationery business with Michael Cameron Martin.

Later, as a Partner at Outlander VC, Abdo led investments in innovative companies like SpaceX, Stripe, Coco Robotics, Andela, and more, investing over $300 million across various strategies. Now, as a General Partner at Type One, Abdo is convinced that a new technological revolution led by space technology and deep tech will reshape our world and our understanding of humanity. He has dedicated his life to supporting the exploration of humanity in space.

“I believe that we are approaching a new technological revolution that’s being pioneered by space technology development and the deep technologies enabling this exploration. The rapidly growing space ecosystem will completely shift our technological capabilities, our social and political views, and our understanding of humanity as a whole.“


  • Leadership
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Venture Capital
  • Complex Transactions
  • Strategic Planning
  • Growth Investing
  • Commercialization

Related Companies

  • SpaceX
  • Coco Robotics